Friday, October 28, 2011

The June 2011 Monthly Craft Market in review

The second Monthly Craft Market was held in June, and was just as much fun as the first one! Things were very lively, with people coming and going almost right up until closing time. There was a great mix between new vendors and people who had also been there in May, and over all everyone seemed to have a great time. I believe this was the widest musical variety, even now, that we've had. Some of those musicians really need to come back! I loved the drums!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The May 2011 Monthly Craft Market in review

The first Monthly Craft Market, held on May 29, 2011, was a resounding success. For a small first-time event that didn't have access to deep pockets for advertising, it was surprisingly well-attended. We had about a dozen vendors and musicians, and maybe about 100 people or so pass through the doors. I know that might not sound like a lot compared to something like the Spring Arts Festival; but again -- new! First time!

Personally I had a great time, in part because my friend Laura came to sit with me and help me out, and then at the next table was my former co-worker, Ginger, and her daughter Holly. What a small town!

People seemed genuinely glad to see us there and for something like this to start, and by the end of the day I was already looking forward to there being another market in June.